Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lists... Lists....Lists...

I laid in bed last night and realized that I am going to be making a lot of lists. I made multiple lists last night.
1. Behavior goals

2. Rewards/Punishments

3. "talks" we're going to have when he comes back next week. (a lot list of things that's gonna change!) Oh my. I am going to be a lecturing fool like my dad was!

4. food he will actually eat (foster kids seem to be even pickier eaters than others. Seriously. Can you imagine if what you considered "home cookin" changed every few months?)

5. other things we are going to need to hide- I know this sounds bad, but there were things I didn't think about. Pocket knives, cell phones and lighters made the top of the list.

6. chores he will be responsible for
7. lessons to be taught. Pride, respecting parents, and telling the truth and being trustworthy

8. bedtime routine- Okay, I would love to know what other foster parents do about bedtime. It was REALLY awkward for me. With my own child this would come so natural, but I was like, should I tuck him in? Should I read to him? What do you say? It was weird because he is 10, and we had just met, so imagine putting a random kid to bed for the first time. It just didn't feel natural.

I recognize I don't know how to be a mom. I thought it would come natural. I thought we would have some advantages over not having biological kids first, but this is harder than I thought. I woke up early this morning and ran through about 10 ways he could get into trouble if he got out of bed before I woke up. I pictured him running away, cutting himself, and a whole slew of things.

I know it will be a great blessing, and the best part is knowing that I am doing God's will. I have to stay focused on the main thing.

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